Tokyo Rose was a radio personality in Japan during the war. The name was applied to several women, but most commonly to Iva Toguri D'Aquino, who was stranded while visiting Japan in 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. She was first pressured by the Japanese government to renounced her citizenship and refused, even though she was thereafter denied a ration card. She was eventually persuaded by an Australian POW to host a radio show on the condition that she say nothing against the United States. And she never did. After steadfast integrity while alone in an enemy country, she was rewarded for her loyalty by the US government in 1949 when she was convicted of treason and spent ten years in prison. This bad belle deserves recognition.
I love, love that little smile.
Being manhandled by a douchebag white male US marshall. I love the big shoulders and half-length slacks.
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