Tuesday, December 17, 2013

King of the Resistance

  Besides the fact that 'Frieda' is an awesome name, Frieda Belinfante was also an awesome woman. Prior to the war, she was the first woman in Europe to be artistic director and conductor of an ongoing professional orchestral ensemble. Then when the Nazis occupied her home country of the Netherlands, they insisted that all Jews register "for their own safety." Yeah right. Frieda began helping to forge documents for Jewish families to avoid discovery. When the Nazis started catching on and began comparing the forged documents to archival records, Frieda and her friends decided to take the plan a step further. They blew up the population registry. With a horde of pissed-off Nazis after her, she disguised herself as a man and lived with a friend for 3 months until she could escape to the neutral country of Switzerland. As a bold postscript to an already courageous woman, she was also openly lesbian throughout her life.

Prewar in a dashing zoot suit and beautiful pompadour

Frieda embodies resistance, 1942

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mankiller: Lyudmila Pavlichenko

  Maybe she was a ladykiller too, but she was definitely a mankiller. A fellow historian has a great and outrageous blog that features a badass bio of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a Soviet lady who snuffed out Nazis with a rifle Enemy at the Gates-style and put some goddamned respect for the power of women into a bunch of white males.

And apparently also starred in Mad Men

"She judo flipped the recruiter through a plate glass window, stomped his balls with a high-heeled shoe and then whipped out her motherfucking MARKSMANSHIP CERTIFICATE."

'a f*cking kickass belle from hell' with her phallic 'marksmanship' certificate

You should read this blog post about her!